in 1858, Rev. B.T. Roberts held a large tent meeting, where the Free time at South Pekin (now Sanborn), New York, where the Free Methodist church originated. In the the spirit of that original tent meeting in 1910 and eeting, Church organizers held a camp meeting, Church organizers help a camp meeting in 1910 and again in 1920 in North Chili, New York, at A.M. Chesbrough Seminary (now Roberts Wesleyan College, renamed in Rev. Roberts’ honor).

In the fall of 1935, the northern districts (Buffalo and Genesee) held a camp meeting near Akron, New York. The hot weather and minimal shade made for an uncomfortable setting, so a search was begun for a site along Lake Ontario that provided cooling breezes and a picturesque view.
B.J. Hayes, E.A. Hughes, C.A. Dailey, Seth E. Morton, C.W. King, and W. Wilcox met on August 22, 1936, at the Albion Free Methodist Church and formed the Buffalo-Genesee Camp Meeting Association under the leadership of Rev. Wesley J.Parmerter, Superintendent of the Buffalo and Genesee Districts.
A Board of Trustees consisting of three ministers and three laymen from each district was formed, with Rev. Parmerter as President, C.L. Crouch as Secretary, and C.W. King as Treasurer.
On September 12, 1936, the Board reported that a 12-acre parcel located on the south shore of Lake Ontario in western New York State was purchased for $3500. Applications for membership were made and dues were set at $1 per year with agreement to abide by the Free Methodist Book of Discipline as well as Association rules. By December 1, 1936, 22 lots ranging in price from $50 to $200 (lakefront) were leased.
Rev. Parmerter, Rev. Thurber Thayer, and William Priestley walked in from Lower Lake Road through snow to the lake and formulated the plan for buildings and road placement while standing in the midst of very dense woods.
The first camp meeting was held on these new grounds July 1, 1937. More than 80 years later, with very few exceptions camp meetings, plus a whole lot more take place on these special grounds each and every summer beginning with Memorial Day festivities through a more recent tradition of a Fall Festival prior to the end of the season. My God Continue to Find Us Faithful!