Prime Time Weekend
Prime Time Weekend 2022 (formerly Empty Nester Weekend)
July 29-31 will be here before you know it and we have a great weekend of fun, fantastic food and fellowship planned. We’ll kickoff with BYO (bring your own) snacks to share at 7pm Friday July 29 and end with lunch after Sunday service on the 31st.
What started a few years ago as Empty Nester Weekend has now been rebranded as Prime Time Weekend. We’re still targeting the same age group, those in the prime of their life. You know who you are. You were born on or before “American Pie” was a big hit or you predate the idea of pumping your own gas. By rebranding we’re hoping to dispel the notion that you had to have had a “nest”, or if you did have a nest that it’s fully “empty”.Our devotional leader for the weekend is Greg Wolters, Pastor of Crown Alliance Church in Cortland NY. He and his wife Denise will be our guests for the weekend.
The $60 registration includes Saturday brunch, dinner and Sunday lunch. This is a great time to invite friends and introduce them to LCC. If you have questions let us know or seek out someone who has attended in the past. Hope to see both familiar and new faces. Todd and Crystal Kroh – PTW Chairs