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Lighthouse Christian Camp is a family-oriented campground that provides spiritual inspiration, relaxation, recreation, and fellowship in a Christian environment.
We are a Christian Organization
Each member and visitor at LCC is encouraged to act and live in a Christ-like manner. It should be clear that following Christ is more about what can be done than what cannot be done. However, functioning within a Christian community does involve a willingness to abide by policies and rules that are designed to promote Christian community. Therefore, members and visitors are expected to abide by guidelines and rules. These policies are intended to provide for the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of all our Association Members, their guests, and visitors to the grounds, including those renting our housing facilities or campsites.
To maintain a safe environment, we do not allow smoking, alcoholic beverage consumption, illicit drug use, or gambling on the campgrounds.
Owned and operated by the Buffalo/Genesee Camp Meeting Association of the Genesee Conference of the Free Methodist Church
We aspires to create an atmosphere in which individuals, families and groups experience spiritual inspiration, relaxation, recreation, fellowship, learning and renewal in a safe and wholesome Christian community.
Statement of Faith
Guiding Statements of Faith
A.1. There is but one living and true God, the maker and preserver of all things. And in the unity of this Godhead thereare three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. These three are one in eternity, deity and purpose; everlasting, of infinite power, wisdom and goodness.
A.2. God was himself in the Son, Jesus Christ, to reconcile people to God. Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, He joined together the deity of God and the humanity of humankind. Jesus of Nazareth was God in flesh, truly God and truly human. He came to save us. For us the Son of God suffered, was crucified, dead and buried. He poured out His life as a blameless sacrifice for our sin and transgressions. We gratefully acknowledge that He is our Savior, the one perfect mediator between God and us.
A.3. Jesus Christ is risen victorious from the dead. Thus He ascended into heaven.There He sits as our exalted Lord at the right hand of God the Father, where He intercedes for us until all His enemies shall be brought into complete subjection. He will return to judge all people. Every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God The Father.
A.4. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. Proceeding from the Father and the Son, He is one with them, the eternal Godhead, equal in deity, majesty and power. He is God effective in Creation, in life and in the church. The Incarnation and ministry of Jesus Christ were accomplished by the Holy Spirit. He continues to reveal, interpret and glorify the Son.
A.5. The Bible is God’s written Word, uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit. As attested by the early church and subsequent councils, it is the trustworthy record of God’s revelation, completely truthful in all it affirms. It has been faithfully preserved and proves itself true in human experience. The Bible has authority over all human life. It teaches the truth about God, His creation, His people, His one and only Son and the destiny of humankind. It also teaches the way of salvation and the life of faith.
Guiding Statements of Religious Practice
Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality
B.1. We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity (Mark 12:28-31; Luke 6:31). Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture nor the doctrines of Lighthouse Christian Camp.
B.2. We believe that God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God (Genesis 1:26-27). Rejection of one’s biological sex is indicative of a fallen world and not God’s plan for creation.
B.3. We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in the creation account (Genesis 2:18-25). We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other (I Corinthians 6:18; 7:2-5; Hebrews 13:4). We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.
B. 4. We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including adultery, fornication, homosexual behavior, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, and use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to God (Matthew 15:18-20; I Corinthians 6:9-10).
B.5. We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19-21; Romans 10:9-10; I Corinthians 6:9-11).
B.6. Same-sex or same-gender marriages may not be performed or hosted at LCC, as such ceremonies area violation of the Free Methodist Book of Discipline(par 3311).
The Sanctity of Human Life
C.1. We believe that all human life is sacred and created by God in his image. Human life is of inestimable worth in all its dimensions, including pre-born babies, the aged, the physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition from conception through natural death. We are therefore called to defend, protect, and value all human life (Psalm 139).
General Policies and Code of Conduct
D.1. Lighthouse Christian Camp exists to provide a retreat environment and camping experience that draws people of all ages to know Christ, to grow in him and make him known.TheCamp aspires to create an atmosphere in which individuals, families and groups experience spiritual inspiration,relaxation, recreation, fellowship, learning and renewal in a wholesome Christian community.
D.2. Each member and visitor at LCC is encouragedto act and live in a Christ-like manner. It should be clear that following Christ is more about what can be done than what cannot be done. However, functioning within a Christian community does involve a willingness to abide by policies and rules that are designed to promote Christian community.
The following policies are intended to provide for the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of all our Association members and guests. Both members and visitors are expected to abide by the following guidelines and rules
E.1. Lighthouse Christian Camp’s (LCC’s) programs and events are open to all people.
E.2. LCC rents the property to individuals, religious or non-religious non-profit groups, as well as government agencies that conduct programs that are educational and character building in nature, and whose beliefs and practices are not opposed to our statements of faith and religious practices.
E.3. LCC respectfully declines to rent its property to individuals or groups who have agendas for their gathering that are in conflict with its statements of faith and religious practices on pages 1-2, as defined by the teachings of the Free Methodist Church of the United States.
E.4. Parents and chaperones are responsible for their children and youth. Please ensure they follow our policies of behavior.
E.5. Use of the waterfront at LCC and common areas is governed by the NYS Sanitary Code subpart 6-2 and the Niagara County Board of Health. Copies of the documents are on file in the LCC office.
E.6. Christian living involves a concern for others. Included in this concern is the possibility that our behavior or attire might offend or misdirect another brother or sister in Christ. We are part of the Body of Christ and do not function in isolation; our actions can affect others. Thus, we ask that modest clothing be worn at all times. Extremely revealing clothing or swimwear is to be avoided. Cover-ups should be worn over swimwear while moving about the grounds. There should be no swimwear worn in the tabernacle or public dining areas of the camp. Again, the governing principle in this area of Christian conduct is the well-being of others.
E.7. The use of tobacco, vaping, alcohol, and drugs not prescribed by your physician are prohibited.
E.8. Pets are their owner’s responsibility. Dogs must be leashed at all times and owners must immediately clean up after them. Owners are required to have proof of their pets’ inoculation.
E.9. Sunday is a day of both spiritual and physical rest and refreshment. Noisy activities such as the use of construction equipment, lawn mowers, chain saws and other power tools are prohibited on Sunday.
E.10. During scheduled worship services people should refrain from pubic recreational activities around the campground, waterfront activity or boating along the shores of the campground.
E.11. Quiet hours are from 11:00 PM –7:00 AM. All loud and disruptive activities should cease during this time.
E.12. Any movie to be publicly shown at any time should be properly screened and be rated “G” for general audiences. Any other rated films must be approved by the Program Coordinator.
E.13. The State has allowed us to enjoy the nature trails at Golden Hills State Park. Access to the park is through approved entrance points only. Respect the rights of those camping at Golden Hill.
E.14. Garbage in plastic bags is to be placed in the dumpster provided. Recycling of newspapers, plastic, cardboard, metal and glass is now required. Recycling containers are located next to the dumpster.
E.15. Posted signs must be obeyed (e.g., 5 mph; private property; bike parking; etc.). Printed and oral directives for various camps and events should also be observed.
Theological Orientation
Lighthouse Christian Camp
Theological Orientation for Camp Directors, Worship Leaders and Speakers
Lighthouse Christian Camp (LCC) identifies itself as a Christian organization operating under the example of Christian life set forth in the Free Methodist Church USA (FMCUSA) Book of Discipline. This example of Christian life includes a spirit of Christ-like love and forbearance towards other denominations and congregations. Given clarity as to the essentials of the faith, Free Methodists (FMs) grant other Christians liberty regarding differing opinions in matters of doctrine or practice.
LCC’s Guiding Statements of Faith are drawn from the Book of Discipline, and reflect what FMs consider “essentials of the faith.” The declarations concerning Jesus’ death and resurrection are considered of “first importance” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). LCC’s other Guiding Statements of Faith embrace the historic doctrines of the Christian Church as reflected in the Apostle’s Creed. FMs are steadily fixed on these “essentials,” which they believe to “the truth as it is in Jesus.”
Additional to LCC’s Statements of Faith and Religious Practice, General Policies and Code of Conduct (attached), the following comments are intended to orient Camp leaders and speakers to certain distinctive theological positions of the FMCUSA with which LCC is affiliated.
FMs are moderate conservatives. They share theological and social positions common among many contemporary evangelicals. However, in a few matters they hold distinctive views. It is expected that Camp directors, worship leaders and speakers at LCC will not undermine the Camp in the following theological positions.
- FMs believe all parts of the Bible, including the Old Testament, have applicability today. This includes an affirmation ofall the gifts of the Spirit within the Christian community. Emphasis is placed on the fruit of the Spirit as the primary evidence and expression of the Spirit-filled life.
- FMs support women in leadership and ministry. This position is not a derivativeof the modern feminist movement, but traces back to the origins of the Free Methodist Church.The principle founder and first General Superintendent of the denomination, B.T. Roberts,published a book in the 1890s arguing for the ordination of women.
- FMsbelieve the sacraments should be offered to all believers. Baptism is not restricted to adultsbut made available to children as well, at the discretion and under the guidance of parents.Furthermore,all modes of Baptism are permitted, not merely immersion. (At LCC, Baptism is typically done by immersion into the lake, and accompanied by a personal testimony of faith.) The Lord’s Supper (Communion) is not restricted to FMs, but open to all believers. And, like Baptism, partaking of Communion is made available not only to adults but also to children, at the discretion and under the guidance of parents. (At LCC, typically each week-long Camp includes a service of Communion, and this open manner is the way in which it is done.)
- The FMCUSAdoes nothave a stated nor required position on Eschatology. FMs do believe (a)that Jesus will return to earth again; (b) that his return is imminentand may occur at any time; (c) that we need to be ready. (Presently, most FMs hold to a pre-millennial view of the End Times.)
- FMs are Wesleyan-Arminian in doctrine. They believe that humankind was created in the image of God, but that image has been marred by sin. FMsbelieve all persons haveindividually sinned, but that God offers salvation to all through the person and work of Jesus Christ. They believe that one can only be saved by faith (not works), but works of faith will follow on God’s saving work within the heart of the believer.
- FMs put a strong emphasis on the importance of living out (not merely verbalizing) one’s faith in Christ. They call the ultimate work of God, through the indwelling Spirit of Christ, sanctification or Christlikeness, the restoration and representation of God’s image in human form. FMsbelieve sanctification typically involves both points of crisis in the believer’slifejourney as well as a daily process of followingafter Jesus.
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